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Experiment shared code & other test parameters

Your JS and CSS can have a shared scope within an experiment. E.g. two treatment variants might have some styling commonalities. We can reduce repeated code by sharing common elements across variants.

In the examples below, we'll use the YAML method. However the same keys and methods will work for the JS method.

Shared JS

Setup instructions:

  1. Create a JS file containing shared code in an experiment's directory e.g. repo/lib/waves/mytest/shared.js
  2. In config.yml, point the root level js key to the file
  3. Any variant can now reference code within the shared JS through {{testObject}}.options.js()

As an example, you should have:


function shared()
return {
sharedFn: function() {
//do something
sharedVal: 'something'


js: shared.js
id: mytest
name: My example test
sampleRate: 1
state: staging
trigger: trigger.js
name: Control
name: Treatment1
js: treatment1.js
name: Treatment2
js: treatment2.js


// pass in the 'test' object into the treatment function
function treatment1(test) {
// call shared functions using dot notation
var sharedObject = test.options.js();
// ... other transformations


// pass in the 'test' object into the treatment function
function treatment2(test) {
// call shared functions using dot notation
var sharedObject = test.options.js();
// ... other transformations

Shared CSS

Setup instructions:

  1. Create a CSS file containing shared CSS in an experiment's directory
  2. In config.yml, point the root level css key to the file

Shared CSS is injected into the document when the test is activated, regardless of the variant (including the "Control"), so be sure to scope your shared CSS properly.


.myClass {
color: blue;
padding: 10px 10px;


css: shared.css
id: mytest
name: My example test
sampleRate: 1
state: staging
trigger: trigger.js
name: Control
name: Treatment2
js: treatment1.js
name: Treatment2
js: treatment2.js

Experiment parameters

Important experiment parameters to understand are:

Parameter keyValuesDescription
statelive or staging or inactiveControls the status of the experiment. staging means the experiment is disabled from normal visitors but able to be previewed. inactive means the experiment will be ignored during build but remain in your repo for reference.
sampleRateFloat between 0 and 1Controls portion of overall traffic to be allocated to the experiment. 0 = 0%, 1 = 100%.
idA stringIdentifier used for analytics/reporting and forcing variants in preview mode.
recipeA nested listDefines experiment variants and their parameters.
{recipeId}: A string: variant indentifier
    name: {recipeName} A string: descriptive variant name
    js: {recipe.js} Variant JS filename(optional)
    css: {recipe.css} Variant CSS filename (optional)
    sampleRate: {float between 0 and 1} Controls portion of experiment traffic to allocate to variant (optional)
trigger{trigger.js}Experiment trigger JS filename.
divertTo{recipeId}Allows diverting 100% of traffic to a specific variant. Handy when you have found a winner and want to temporarily divert traffic to it.

Learn more about the test object keys here or review the config-template.yml template on Github

Next steps

Time to make sure you're tracking it effectively.