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2. Configure your Mojito container's npm build script

Settings for the build script are managed inside the config.js located in the repository root directory. Four parameters are currently supported and it affects where you publish the container to:

module.exports = {
containerName: "containerfilename",
s3BucketDev: "mojito-example/jsdev",
s3BucketPRD: "mojito-example/js",
s3Region: "ap-southeast-2"

  • containerName: The file name given to your container - e.g. "google"
  • s3BucketDev: The path in S3 that contains your development container
  • s3BucketPRD: The path in S3, where your production container is hosted within
  • s3Region: The AWS region your S3 bucket is located in

These values can affect the URI of your container:

<script type="text/javascript" src="//{{cloudfront-cname}}{{environment}}/{{containerName}}.js"></script>

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