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1. Set up AWS S3 & Cloudfront distribution for hosting Mojito

We set up S3 and Cloudfront first so we can assign users with limited access to publish conatiners.

Create a public S3 Bucket

A public S3 bucket is useful for preview/staging purposes and simplifying permissions (they'll be public through Cloudfront anyway).

  1. Login to AWS and open your S3 console.

  2. Hit the big blue Create bucket button

Step 2

  1. Give your container a descriptive name and hit Next:

Step 3

  1. Keep the default options (versioning is useless when Mojito JS is source-controlled):

Step 4

  1. Disable blocking of public access. Again, this simplifies permissions and your bucket contents will be available through Cloudfront anyway.

Step 5

  1. Review your settings and hit Create bucket:

Step 5

Add folders for your Mojito JS environments

We suggest creating folders for development and production use:

  • js (production)
  • jsdev (development)

Production Staging/Development

You'll need to add these keys to your Mojito JS repo/config.js file, like so:

module.exports = {
containerName: "containerfilename",
s3BucketDev: "mojito-example/jsdev",
s3BucketPRD: "mojito-example/js",
s3Region: "ap-southeast-2"

Read more about the npm scripts.

Create a Cloudfront distribution from your S3 bucket

Now we'll setup a CDN to serve your container lightning-quick from anywhere in the world.

  1. Open your Cloudfront console in AWS and hit the big blue Create Distribution button.

Step 1

  1. Hit Get Started under the "Web" delivery method:

Step 2

  1. Using your newly created S3 bucket, point the Origin Domain Name at the S3 bucket (in this case, mojito-example):

Step 3

  1. Most of the default settings should be fine to keep over the rest of the pages.

NB: You may be tempted to set TTL headers or compression, but it's important to ensure:

  • Use Origin Cache Headers is enabled
  • Compress objects automatically is set to diabled

We make these options configurable inside the npm publish script, instead.

Step 4

Step 4

Step 4

Step 4

  1. Once your settings match the recommended settings above, hit Create Distribution to continue. Your Cloudfront distribution will provision shortly...

Step 5

... and it'll give you an address to access objects over.

Now may be a good time to test S3/Cloudfront

Add a file (with Public read-access enabled) to the root of the S3 container directory and try accessing it through the new Cloudfront domain you provisioned:

https://{{my distribution hostname}}

Check to see that it loads. If so, nice job!

Next steps

Now you're set up with hosting, you need a user with permission to publish to S3.

Next, create a publisher/user in Amazon IAM to publish your container into your environments.